Why is that?
What's wrong with us me? Don't answer that. Eh! Well, after mulling about this whole folder dilemma for hours. Yes, hours. I had a lot to think about! I finally concluded that holding on to that folder and all that it contained, was a way for me to hold on to things and people that were no longer in my life. It was a way of me holding on to the person that I used to be. It prevented me from moving forward. It kept me tied to the past. But you see, I already knew that. The difference this time though, was that I was ready to let go. And so I did. I got back on the computer, went to my emails, found THE folder, and hit the delete button. Just like that. Fast and furious. Not gonna lie, I shed a few more tears. But they weren't necessarily sad. They were more melancholy tears. Doing this tonight, made me feel empowered somehow. Does that make sense?
So I'm coming off a four day weekend! Can you say, woohoo!? Come on, say it. Heh. I was off on Friday and am off today as well. I've had the best weekend! Fun, fun and more fun! I've been partying like a rock star since Thursday night and had not stopped until a few hours ago. Let me tell you something, this rock star business is exhausting! But you know what? Doesn't matter, I have had a blasty blast! No regrets. That being said, I plan on doing a whole lot of nothing today. You know, relax by the pool with music and a good book. Stuff like that. Oh! And something cold to drink. Very cold. The scorching weather has officially arrived in H-town. It actually feels like an oven outside. This is going to be a long summer. In the immortal words of the Wicked Witch of the West, "I'm meltiiiiiiing!". God help us.
Aside from my co-dependency issues and my "party like a rock star" ways, I have been working on the short stories I mentioned in earlier posts. Which is why I have been sort of absent around these parts lately. Apologies. I promise I will be back on a regular basis, soon.
In the meantime, keep your feet on the ground and keep reaching for the stars! ----Alright, I totally just quoted Casey Kasem. And if you get the reference, you're way cooler than I thought you were!
It's been fun, kids! But I've got to go see a pillow about some sleep.
Be good!