Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Thirty days and holding...

As some of you know (if you're a regular follower of my blog),  I gave up drinking Coke for Lent this year.  Now, while some of you may find this gesture a bit trite or lame or an "easy" out for Lent, rest assured, it has been anything but easy. Seriously, there should be a twelve step program for coca-cola drinkers like myself.  Yes folks, I'm that addicted.  So you see, my giving up Coke is a HUGE sacrifice for me.  Which is why I've been smiling all day long. Today is day THIRTY of no caffeine.  None. Nada.  Zilch.  Is that not the most awesome news???  -yeah i know, just humor me, will you?  I am so proud of myself guys!  You have no idea!  I'm not one to ever, EVER, follow through with anything.  I am notorious for starting all kinds of projects but abandoning them weeks (sometimes hours) later, for lack of interest.  I've given up things in the past, for Lent.  But always falter before it is over.  Last year, I gave up drinking ALL alcoholic beverages.  Yeah.  I lasted maybe two and half weeks with that one.  Just too many happy hours that couldn't be missed, don't ya know?  So this year, I promised myself that I would follow through with whatever it is I was going to give up, or take up.  And I've kept my promise, so far.  I've got a little over two weeks left to go before Easter.  I don't have withdrawal headaches anymore and have lost almost 10lbs just with the lack of Coke in my system alone!  Someone high-five me, stat!  Or low five, I'm short. heh.

So there it is. My wonderful Wednesday news!  So what's up with you?



That's good, Soda is bad for you anyway. It's surprising what a little discipline can do. Keep it up!

David Batista said...

I know from experience, it's a hard habit to break. So, wow, congrats! And keep it up!

Of course, after Lent you might want to consider some way to keep your consumption low. Not cut it out completely, since it's something you truly enjoy, but maybe limit the number of ounces you drink of the stuff per day? That's how I did it, weaning myself off two cans a day to just one, then 10 oz, then 6. Until one week I started skipping days.

Years later, I only have a Coke now when I'm at the movies or if it's being mixed into my drink at Happy Hour. :)

Anonymous said...

30 days! Congrats! That's amazing. I thought I was going to die after my 30 w/o soda. And then I went back to normal in February and semi-normal in March. Must get back on track for Spring. Ugh!

You're absolutely right about how hard it is to quit Coke. IMO, it's harder to quit than alcohol...cause it tastes better!

Here's to another Coke-free month! (and another, and another...)

Average Girl said...

I think that is FABULOUS!!!!!! Listen I have spent the last year giving up things left right and centre, and any small thing that you give up that is not good for your body, is a HUGE accomplishment! Go Yvonne Go!

CWMartin said...

I gave up pepsi once. It's a wonder no one was killed. I know its not an easy feat. Great Job!

The Frisky Virgin said...

Okay, you're so my hero--I mean that. You know my soda addiction. You also probably remember my soda break-up didn't last. Now, I'm about to embark on the break-up, yet again. I'm dreading it. Seriously, magnificently dreading it.

Thank God you have been through it--first question: how the heck do you survive the withdrawal headaches?! Do you have a trick for that?

I'm so proud of you! And I just hope I can kick the soda, too!

Yvonne said...

Israel- You're baaaack! It's my favorite comic EVAH! :) Thanks, I'm trying! I think discipline and will power go hand in hand. I'm not strong in either, but each day I don't have a coke, I become a bit more confident in myself. -The possibilities are endless!

David- That's awesome! I'm going to try that after Easter. The thing I'm most afraid of is that I'm going to binge on that stuff! I'm going to be more disciplined than I have ever been before. (or try to be anyway.) -Thanks for your support!

Insomniac- No kidding! I thought I was going to die after one week, lol! I still wake up and think, "Wow, I haven't had one coke in over thirty days!" -not a big deal to everyone else, I'm sure. But to me, it's so HUGE! For the first time in my life, I'm following through with something. Pretty proud of myself right about now! As for you, get back on it!!! :)

Average Girl- Congratulations to YOU for your tenacity in ridding yourself of things that are bad for you! That's so great! And thank you, I'm really dcing this! :)

CW Martin- Ha! No kidding! I felt sorry for whoever crossed my path!

FV- Aww, thanks hon! OMG, the headaches were awful on me! I was downing aspirin like candy. Not that I recommend that or anything. But something else that really helped me, drinking water with lemon. For whatever reason, that would lessen the pain. Or, my "old faithful" -wine! :) You can do this!

Pish Posh said...

I gave up drinking pop myself, period. It's so gross now that I'm not used to all that sugar, and it's so bad for you. But it was hard at first. I just switched to green tea and chai and I feel better.

Katie @ Chicken Noodle Gravy said...

Woot! This is awesome. You should be proud. I'm not a follow-througher either, so I'm duly impressed!

Yvonne said...

Pish Posh- I've tried green tea, love it! So I am water/Crystal Light/tea drinking fool now! :)

Katie- Hehee, thanks!

Belle said...

I think that is great, Yvonne. I'm afraid I'm addicted to Coke too. It does feel good to do something like this.

Ruth said...

Good job on no coke. Yay!

Chapter 56

The sunlight peeping through the curtains, stir her from her sleep.  Her eyes open and she rubs them a bit before sitting up in bed.  Eyes n...