It's interesting how many of my single friends are home alone on a Saturday night! *GASP* I came to this conclusion based on some of their statuses on Facebook. One friend's post read,
"Home and in bed by 9:00 p.m., on Saturday night, I'm officially a loser" Really? A loser for being home on a Saturday night? Bleh! I don't buy that. Especially since I'M home on a Saturday night as well! And I'm no loser! Actually, I did have a few invites to do things but I chose to stay home. I had a long week, and I went out last night and I was out in the
Sahara desert heat all day. So I passed on all invites, grabbed a book and curled up on my sofa, with a glass of wine, and Sade playing in the background. I'm a happy girl! Reading that status about being a loser stayed on my mind. Obvious, since I'm now writing about it! Is staying home instead of going out on a weekend now a form of a
stigma? Is there an etiquette book for singles out there that I need to purchase? Did I just commit a mortal sin by choosing to stay home? What gives, bloggies? Shed some light on this for me. I'm rather fascinated by this whole concept. I mean, I can see this happening when I was in high school, oh hell, it did happen when I was in high school. You know, staying in because you didn't have anything to do but then come Monday morning, you made some stuff up to your cool friends so you wouldn't look like a total moron. But that was then. Now, I'm older and more mature (no comments from the Peanut gallery please) I personally, I could give a rat's ass what people think of me, period. But I most certainly definitely don't care if you think I'm a loser for staying in on a weekend or not. And I've had some friends of mine actually tell me that I was becoming one (loser) because I went through a "hermit" phase, where I only worked and then vegged out at home. I never went anywhere or did anything else. Even on the weekends. Hey, I was burned out, frustrated with stuff and yeah, I became a hermit. But I came out of my cave one day and joined the land of humanity again. Is that so wrong? Give me a break! I do find it amusing that people want to "hide": fact that they are staying home. That's even worse! What happens if you get caught? What happens when your little white lie become a huge white lie? And why do that call it a little "white" lie? Why can't it be a "lie" period? Why do we have to give it a color? Who thought of this anyway? Alright, I'm cutting myself off the wine dammit!
Hope all of you are having an amazing weekend, whatever you're doing or not doing. Remember, go big or go home!
ps- so the title of this post may make absolutely no sense to you, i know. see, there was an episode on
Happy Days when
Richie was chastised for not hanging out with his "cool" friends, but instead choosing his real friends. Finally, after being bullied by his "cool" friends for the last time, Richie blows up, and says that line. I tied it together to this post about being a loser for staying home on a weekend versus, not being a loser and still staying home. Make sense? I didn't think so. But I got it. :)
People who can't be alone are insecure. Be your wonderful self!
At some point everyone gets to the stage when staying home and chillin is better the going out and stuff.....
as a 48yr old grandmother I can tell you I do not go out anywhere any more and I just asked me daughter if she thinks staying home on a Saturday night makes you a loser and her answer nope it doesn't as she never goes out but she is a mum and reckons that going out is over rated.
Oh goodness! I too know someone who tries way too hard to sound as if she is always out there having the time of her life. And everybody knows she's not, and we kind of laugh her off.
Being home and comfortable is not at all bad. And some low key 'get-togethers' in someones home or a local hang out always make for the real laughs it seems to me.
I like staying home on a Saturday to blog. =)
The work week tuckers me out.
Belle- Thank you!
Jo-Ann- I feel the same way. I like going out, but sometimes, "downtime" is just fine with me also.
YRJ- I like low-key get-togethers as well.
Miss Sassy Pants- lol I tend to blog when I get home from a night out!
HA! Oh my. I NEVER go out. Like, ever. Like, never EVER. Like, the last time I actually got in a car and left my house was 4 days ago. Yeah. It's sad.
Aimee- I've done that on entire weekends before. Where, as soon as I got home on a Friday from work, I didn't leave again until Monday, when it was time to go back to work. Meh! Stuff happens...
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