Sunday, January 30, 2011

Things I Learned on Saturday Night

I learned a few things last night and thought I'd share with you, for no reason in particular.

Saturday night I went to House of Blues to listen to local musicians and some (very famous) musicians get together for a good ol' "jam" session. It was off.the.chain and so much fun!  There were musicians who play all kinds of genre from Pop to Blues to Jazz to Tejano, to Tropical to Rock.  Some old faces, some new faces.  It was quite an evening for great sounds!  I ran into many friends I had not seen in a long time. That was nice.  But I also learned a few things a long the way. Things such as...

I learned that I must wear earplugs in the future whenever I am going to be practically on the stage.  I swear I went deaf! I still have ringing in my ears!

I learned that some things never change.  That being, people getting sloppy drunk and obnoxious.  Case in point, I was in the ladies room at some point last night, I was retouching my make-up when two women walked in.  They looked like they were well in their 30s.  One of them was so drunk she was speaking in tongues! Or at least that's what it sounded like. I guess she thought she was in a stall because all of a sudden, she proceeds to assume the sitting position and started peeing right there in the corner, right beside the bathroom attendant.  NO LIE.   She just kept laughing and telling her friend, who by the way, in a show of solidarity, stood beside her the entire time.  She kept telling her friend, "Fuck him! He's a loser! I'm gonna get L-A-I-D tonight!  (yes she spelled it out).  The bathroom attendant didn't miss a beat and handed her some paper towels when she was done.  I had had enough and walked out.  I did track down one of the managers and explained what had happened.  I mean, they had to clean that up!!!

I learned that musicians still have groupies and some groupies will still do "anything" and I mean "anything" to go backstage or back to the dressing room or the "Guest Lounge".  Since I was with my friend Gustabo, who was running the show, I had full access to the club and was able to witness this first hand.  Lucky me.

I learned that if you plan on valeting, leaving the house with only a credit card and no cash at all, is probably not a good idea. 

I learned that although I like to party like a rock star, I just couldn't keep up with my dance partners last night.  They were relentless and never tired! Of course, the 4' stilettos I was wearing couldn't have helped any either.


Mister King said...

sounds like you had a fun weekend....definitely keep ear plugs on standby.

Shady Del Knight said...

When you're the only one who is not drinking you become much more aware of the jackass behavior around you. Makes you think.

Belle said...

I found all this very interesting because I have only been to nightclub once. Cherish, my granddaught was singing with a group there. We had a great time, but most of the crowd was in their forties. No groupies!

Unknown said...

She peed in the corner??? You see, that's why I wrote a song for the bathroom attendant a week or so ago. They work hard for their money.

Yvonne said...

MK - Yes i will put some in my purse for future outings!

Shady - lol it was pathetic

Belle -Consider yourself lucky.

Kelley -She totally did!!! And I agree, they do work hard for their money! lol

Anonymous said...

I'm glad I haven't experienced a drunken mess like that!

Yvonne said...

AD - You are wise beyond your years grasshoppa!

The Frisky Virgin said...

Okay, the bathroom scene is just disgusting. What happened to having class and self-respect?

Yep, groupies sure do exist. I used to know a group that followed baseball players around--really, I have never understood the appeal. Never asked what exactly being a groupie entails...not sure I want to know, actually. said...

She peed in the corner and expects to get L-A-I-D?! Good lord that woman needs help - or at least AA.

SB said...

strangely enough i have seen people act drunkenly idiotic and then SOMEHOW they always walk out with a guy. HOW do they do it and HOW is it that the lower one stoops there is ALWAYS someone to 'hang out' with !!! life is not fair!!

Yvonne said...

FV -It was totally disgusting! Ignorance is bliss girlie! :)

RR - She was totally trashed!

LD - story of my life. instead, i get the married guys or the assholes or both! lol

Chapter 56

The sunlight peeping through the curtains, stir her from her sleep.  Her eyes open and she rubs them a bit before sitting up in bed.  Eyes n...