Sunday, January 22, 2017

Let's call this: Shoulda stayed in bed kinda Sunday...

Today was weird.  Or maybe I was just weird.  Or still am weird.  Meh.  So, the sun came out first of all.  Why is that weird? Well for one thing, it rained almost every day last week up until last night.  And not just little annoying rain.  This was the "come at every direction" kind of rain and it rained non-stop last night.  And for another thing, the winds were so heavy that my neighbor's front window busted/shattered.  Neighbors came together and helped her and her husband put a board up for the time being. The roaring winds were equal opportunity offenders.  They didn't care who or what you were, if you were in their path, you were going down, no questions asked. Don't believe me? You should have seen my hair!

It was a beautiful day aside from the hounding winds.  Had a late lunch with a friend and good conversation but even she noticed that my mood was off.  But at least she made me laugh -a lot and often. So thank God for that.  We parted ways and off I went to the nearest Kroger to buy groceries and blah, blah, blah.

Ever have one of those days that no matter what you do, you start crying at the mere thought that you "may" start crying? No? That's just me?  Yeah it figures.  Well bloggies, that is how I have been feeling lately.  Today, however, the urge and the sadness or whatever it was I was feeling, was a million times stronger.  I don't know why exactly my emotions are all over the place.  I go from overwhelming sadness to bursts of anger to downright rage.  Sometimes all at the same time.  Now, I know what some of you may be thinking and trust me, the thought has crossed my mind too.  Being that I just turned fifty a few months ago, there is that slight possibility I may be menopausal -ugh! Even typing that word I cringe a little a lot.  The thing is that I already went to that doctor and she said I was not anywhere near that yet.  So who knows? Maybe I'm just crazy? Or depressed.  Or both.

For the love of all things wonderful, if you're still reading this, thank you!  Really.  I know I sound like a deranged woman but trust me, I'm not.  At least not all the time.  Heh. 

Come back, I promise to redeem myself.

New week is upon us, make it count.


Sunday, January 15, 2017

And again...

Well, so much for the Cinderella ending that so many of us were hoping for.  As has become custom in my fair city, our hopes of  advancing in the playoffs were shattered in the blink of an eye last night.  Again. 

It's so frustrating and exciting and sad all at the same time.  You have to understand, my angst (and a few thousands of other Houstonians) goes back to the days of the Houston Oilers.  Remember them?  We never did "knock the son of bitch in"  Only a few will get that quote.  Then came the new franchise.  New hope.  New beginnings.  And all these years later, we're still waiting.  It's almost as if we are cursed (I've written about this before).  Sam Houston must have really pissed someone else and they felt the need to  put a curse on him and his city and all sports teams.  Heh.  But for real, what gives? 

I've grown immune to feeling loss or pain over these Houston sports teams of mine.  Seriously.  Last night, when all hope was lost, I just laughed at my brothers who were cussing and yelling at the tv screen.  And because I'm a big sister and love getting under their skin, I started singing the old Oilers fight song: "Luv ya Blue" The look on their faces was priceless.  

And just like that, the season is over.  Again.  But rest assured, the ever hopeful will be back again next season (myself included) to root, to hope and in some instances, to pray for a winning season.  I really, really, wanted a miracle this season.  Since Houston is hosting Superbowl LI, I hoped with all my might that the Texans would pull it off and be in the show.  The icing on the cake would have been a total Texas Superbowl: Texans vs. Cowboys.  But that was not meant to be either.  And before you ask, no I am not a  Cowboys fan.  NEVER.EVER.WILL.BE

Oh well, only 78 days until my Astros opening day!  Silver linings everywhere.

Monday, January 2, 2017

Post Holiday Blues or Something Like That

The holidays have come and gone.  Tomorrow, the majority of the work population will return to their respective jobs, including me.  While I love, love, love the holidays, I hate it when they are over.  It makes me sad.  Maybe because everyone appears to be happier, in better moods, lively and caring during the holiday season.  Because let's face it, come January 1 and thereafter, the haters, the doomsdayers, the ugly mix all come out of the woodwork to wreak havoc on our planet again.  Business as usual, if you will.  It saddens me because I am the eternal optimist and want to see the best in everyone. However, I know not everyone means well.  But during the holidays, it just seems like there are more kinder and more gentle people amongst us.  I wish the positive vibes lasted throughout the year.  Anyway,  back to life, back to reality, as a late eighties band called Soul II Soul used to sing.

Happy New Year bloggies.  May your dreams come true, may your troubles be less and may your pockets be full(er).

Until next time,


Chapter 56

The sunlight peeping through the curtains, stir her from her sleep.  Her eyes open and she rubs them a bit before sitting up in bed.  Eyes n...