So, as some of you know, I am a paralegal and work for a kind of "mom and pop" shop, in H-town. Our law clerk recently took the bar exam and is awaiting the results to be released, before he can officially be named the firm's newest associate. Oh wait. He's the ONLY associate. Anyway, we were
A few years ago, I was working at a different law firm, and our runner's name was Hector. One day, he walked into the office and informed everyone that he was now going to be called by his real name, Joshua. Right. Hmm, wait don't stop reading yet. I've got yet another one for you. I dated a guy back in my twenties, that told me his name was Sandro (no typo there). So "I" chose to call him Marcos. Ha. Ok, not really, I only called him Marcos in my head. But you see where I'm going with this right? No? Ok, WHY would someone with a perfectly good name want to be called something other than well, their real name? I get nicknames. I do. I mean, I have a ton of nicknames that friends and family enjoy calling me. But to go from Mark to Hector or Jim to Fred or something like that, well that's just baffling. Isn't it? No? Meh. I'm not very creative this evening I'm afraid so this is all you get. Humor me.
What's going on in your world? I came off from a fabulous weekend. We celebrated one of the Musketeers birthdays. Sure her birthday was last Tuesday, and sure, we went out that night to commemorate the anniversary of her birth, only to be followed by a weekend at the Hotel Galvez in Galveston. -Sun, fun, beach, pool, cute boys, and lots of adult beverages. What more could we ask for? Why, a repeat of events of course! This coming weekend is the other Musketeer's birthday. For that auspicious occasion, we are hitting the road to San Antonio. I call that upcoming trip: Triple Trouble. -come on, what else would you call three
Ok, so I have Jay Leno on for background noise right now. And Justin Timberlake is on. I don't care what anyone says, I find him to be quite sexy. He brought it back, for goddsakes!
Thanks for hanging out with me for a bit. You're all the best!
enjoy your road trip!
I went through a period of time in the 1st and 2nd grades where I hated my first name, David, and informed my teachers and classmates that I would be addressed by my middle name, James, instead. To this day I have no idea why I preferred one over the other, but at least both are my actual names. I have no idea about the guys you're referring to. What's their deal?
Oh, and have a great road trip! Sounds like trouble indeed. :)
Names...what can we say? Alright I admit that I use what is legally my middle name. There's a long story to go with that but I'll save if for another day...
I love San Antonio and all the historical and touristy stuff. Say hi to the giant coy fish at the Alamo for me!
reeflightning- Thanks! I will!
David- I totally get that. My niece who is now 11, woke up one day and told us her name was not Sydney anymore, it was "Blue" -like the color. ha. She was six or seven at the time. What I don't get are those off the wall names that have no rhyme or reason.
YRJ- ha! Will do!
I have loads of nicknames and different people call me by different names. lol I don't know how I don't get confused. lol
And Justin Timberlake IS sexy! I love his music. There, I said it. lol
*Hugs* I hope you are doing well!
Isn't he though??? :) All is great! :)
I did try to change to my middle name in grade 10 in a new school, but an old friend was there and told everyone my real name - so back to Belle. A name I have always hated! My middle name is Lynne.
I like your name Belle! I'm glad you didn't really change it.
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