I learn something new every day it seems. Over the weekend, I learned more than I wanted to about the etiquette of dating, swaping gum, and invading your pesonal "food-space."
Saturday night I met up with some friends for a birthday dinner, George and his girlfriend Melinda and Lance and his wife Melanie. I was really happy to see them. It had been a long time since we had all been together and it gave us a chance to catch up. We met at an Italian restaurant and had yummy Lemontinis while we waited to be served. When the food was brought out we waste no time and of course start eating! We don't mess around when we're hungry! So all of a sudden, I overhear my friend George say his meal is a bit cold, to which, Melinda proceeds to stick her finger in his food and indeed confirms, "Yep, it's cold, send it back!" WTF??? That's just gross! The other couple, saw the look of disgust on my face. Melanie smirked at me and also proceeds to stick her finger in Lance's meal. Not to see if it was cold or too hot, but rather, just to annoy me. Lance doesn't even bat an eye and continues to eat. They all laugh at me and say I'm being too "prudish" Really? I'm being prudish because I don't want your hands in my food? Then they all start telling me about how "couples" married and not married, do this type of stuff all of the time. "See what you have to look forward to?" Lance interjects. "You've never done this with any of your boyfriends?" Melinda asked me. Well now, let me think about it, what with the hundreds of boyfriends I've had and all. "No! I never have!" I reply. I don't even like it when people start picking at my food and start to eat it as well. That's just rude. I''m all for sharing and I will always ask if you'd like some of whatever it is I happen to be eating. But don't decide that you want some after I've already started eating it myself. You're invading my "food-space" dammit! There is such a thing. And it's needed just as much as personal space.
So anyway, throughout our dinner, conversation once again returned to me and my lack of knowledge in
the "Dating and Eating Etiquette" department. Apparently, it is perfectly fine to take each other's chewing gum and swap. And it's also the "norm" to "Burp and blow" in each others' mouths. "It's a form of affection." Melanie informed me. Never. Ever. I've never done that with anyone I've ever dated or hell, even slept with! Have you? Am I the only one that finds this slightly repulsive?
I went home that night and called up an ex-boyfriend of mine. We are still very good friends. I recount my dinner conversation and he starts laughing. "Eh, I'm not crazy about the burp and blow but the gum swap is not so bad. And the fingers in my food? No, that's a negative." FINALLY! Someone with some semblance of reason.
Any others out there?
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Monday, February 7, 2011
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Chapter 56
The sunlight peeping through the curtains, stir her from her sleep. Her eyes open and she rubs them a bit before sitting up in bed. Eyes n...
I long to be touched I yearn to feel Awaken this still heart of mine Steal my time with your kisses your desire you. Let consequenc...
Death. No one likes to talk about it. It's like the elephant in the room, that everyone sees, but no one acknowledges. Yet it is there...
The sunlight peeping through the curtains, stir her from her sleep. Her eyes open and she rubs them a bit before sitting up in bed. Eyes n...
uhm. Gross.
I agree. I think that stuff's gross. Sure, we share lots of germs with significant-others, but in fun ways. Having someone finger my food, chew my chewed gum, or burp and blow isn't.
I have never done any of the above. I did have a friend who used to stick her finger in her hubby's food. I forget why. She was joking around, but it seemed a bit strange to me.
Burp and blo ... eeew! All I can say is I'm soo glad I'm not dating now if that's considered normal!
I'm definitely with you on this.
All of those 'normal' things you mentioned are gross to me as well. I might let you taste a little of my food (with a utensil) but gum swapping and burp and blow? That's just disgusting!
If you saw the movie 9 1/2 Weeks you are aware that food play is foreplay to some. However, I agree with you and the rest of the panel that it is bad manners to touch somebody's food whether or not you have their permission. It's pretty much the same as leaving the bathroom door open so that your spouse or s.o. can watch and listen while you heed nature's call. When couples become too familiar with each other the magic and mystery die and so does the relationship.
Touching of the food and/or sharing the same straw or utensils is fine with me. But swapping chewing gum is where I'd draw the line. Ick!
i belive your rss feed is broken
I've been with my boyfriend five years and if he ever poked my food or put his fingers in it, burped and blew in my face, or simply suggested that we shared gum, it would result in me jabbing him repeatedly in the eye with my index finger until he bleeds...
I think that these people have boundaries that are beyond your scope. Mine too. I think I can test my own food for temp control. I think maybe couples with kids get used to sticking their fingers in food, testing it for temp. But I wouldn't do it to a partner. I think I may have swapped gum in college when I was really drunk once. Clearly, at the time my senses were impaired. Since we were swapping spit at the time, it didn't seem gross. In hindsight, it is rather disgusting and not something I would do sober. Since I don't drink anymore... And burp and blow... well that sounds like more adolescent behavior. I am way beyond that. Gross. I can see teens finding that amusing.
The finger in the food probably wouldn't bother me too much if I knew Cam Man's hands were clean but the gum and burping thing is gross. I have done it but not on purpose.
All -lol I'm glad the concensus is almost unanimous!
David - Welcome! Thanks for the follow and for commenting. Yeah, the gum thing is just, ewww!
Anonymous - What is an RSS Feed? I'm clueless about that too!
I followed on over from YOUR DAILY DOSE and your stuff intrigued me right away. Plus you're in Houston, so how could I resist? I'm down with almost everybody else here; this stuff is just gross!
You haven't lived until you've swapped chewing tobacco with your sweetie!
I liked your blog name! Writing my life away .. so amazing it sounds. Liked your writings as well. Keep up the good work.
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