Hello! Welcome to my world! I plan to write tid bits about my life, musings of my "sitcom worthy" dating life, poetry and short stories to entice you into reading my blog. Happy reading and thanks for dropping by!
Thursday, December 31, 2020
New Years Eve -The 2020 Version
Miss Live Music? I Do Too
Greetings and Salutations Bloggies!
About a month ago I was asked by my friend, Jesse Sendejas, if I would be interested in participating in an upcoming article he was writing for the Houston Press, an online newspaper that features local news, entertainment and the like. I didn't hesitate to say yes. He was going to be writing about concerts -musical acts that we had seen more than once and what kept us going back and of course, how the pandemic put a stop to all concerts. I was given a set of questions to answer. The questions took me back to memories of my first concert at the ripe old age of 10 *gasp* I remembered things that I had not thought about in years and also brought back memories of some crazy things I did back then. (maybe even last year) Most of all, it brought back happier times and that made me smile. Click on the link. Maybe it will bring a smile to your face too.
ps-Jesse did a bang-up job in this piece. Bravo to him.
I've Seen (Insert Band Name) 10 Times! | Houston Press
Wednesday, December 16, 2020
On A Cold December Night -The After Midnight Version
It's not that I purposely set out to stay up late. I don't. I just get this burst of energy around the same time every night. It's 12:40 a.m. right now but you couldn't even tell, the way my brain is juggling a million little things all at once. Yes even as I write. It's quite a party happening in my mind right now. Where was I? Oh yes. My weird sleeping habits. I don't know. I've tried just about everything I know to lull me to sleep but nothing seems to work. In the morning, I'll be groggy and kind of bitchy for a little bit, but soon my sunny disposition takes over and I'm fine. I blame 2020. Yeah, that's it. 2020.
Oh here's a thing I haven't talked about in a long time. Dating. Yeah remember that? I vaguely recall it. Anyway, on Thursday I will be interviewed by a local blogger extraordinaire who also happens to have a podcast about you guessed it, dating. She will ask me questions about my dating life (when I had one that is) and experiences, things like that. I'm kind of excited and kind of nervous. I'm curious about what she'll ask and how I will respond. Ha. I'm pretty sure I will embarrass myself. But that's ok, I'm a master of that sport. Especially lately. Eh, but that's story for another time. So we shall see how it goes. I've never done this before. Have any of you? In all honesty, even though I am a little nervous, I also have this "I don't give fuck" attitude that I adopted this year. It's all the rage of 2020 don't you know. So while I do have the jitters, I'm pretty sure I will be just fine. And if not? "I don't give fuck" If anything, a lot of strangers will get a good laugh at my expense.
Since I don't know what her questions will be, I've been going through my dating memory bank trying to recall my dating experiences throughout the years. So far I have a funny one, a memorable one, a 24 hour one and a horrible one. I tend to have more of those horrible ones than any other ones saved up in that bank of mine. I do miss dating though. Back in January I had decided to start meeting potential suitors again. But then the pandemic happened and work bombarded me and here we are almost 10 months later. "But what about dating sites?" you ask. Just know that I won't ever try the online dating sites again. Ever. And that's all I will say about that.
I'll be sure and let you know how it goes with the podcast. Oh hell, I'll even post the link so you can hear for yourself. ;) You're welcome.
Well, I'm off to see the wizard. Not really. Maybe. Who knows? I've been having weird dreams lately so the wizard might show up.
Chapter 56
The sunlight peeping through the curtains, stir her from her sleep. Her eyes open and she rubs them a bit before sitting up in bed. Eyes n...
I long to be touched I yearn to feel Awaken this still heart of mine Steal my time with your kisses your desire you. Let consequenc...
Death. No one likes to talk about it. It's like the elephant in the room, that everyone sees, but no one acknowledges. Yet it is there...
The sunlight peeping through the curtains, stir her from her sleep. Her eyes open and she rubs them a bit before sitting up in bed. Eyes n...