I have been grinning from ear to ear since yesterday afternoon. In case you have not heard, my Houston Astros clinched the American League West Division on Sunday afternoon. That's right. The Astros are going to the playoffs and this girl right here is beyond herself with excitement! The last two innings of the game I was so nervous I couldn't sit or stand still. And I was home alone watching the game. Let's just say, I scared my neighbors with my yelling and screaming. Don't worry, I apologized. For those not familiar with my blog, I am a hardcore, die-hard Astros fan. I have been since I was probably eight or nine years old. Thanks to my dad, who schooled my siblings and I on the love of the game and took us to so many baseball games at the now vacant Astrodome, that the ushers and attendants knew us by name. -Totally true story. Yesterday was a good day. Today was even better. Except, the playoff tickets sold-out before I could purchase mine. Not to fret, I WILL be at game one, one way or another.

Right after the last out. The players all hugged and celebrated.
The banner this morning inside Minute Maid Park -home of the Houston Astros
It's Monday bloggies, have a great week. I know I will.